Disruption has become the main reason for abandoning conventional ways of modernization. This phenomenon also applies to the entertainment industry, where cinemas compete with subscription video-on-demand (SVOD). The largest cinema industry in Indonesia, Cinema XXI, is undoubtedly not resistant to this disruption. This research study applies a sample of 215 respondents from the sliced population of Cinema XXI customers and SVOD services subscribers. It aims to review the mediating effect of subscription video-on-demand services on the relationship between customer perceived value and customer loyalty to Cinema XXI. This study is a quantitative research, applying the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method. Primary data was taken directly from the respondents using a Google Form-based questionnaire and later analyzed using JASP software. The results of the study show that subscription videos on demand do not have a significant mediating effect on the relationship between customer perceived value and customer loyalty. Subscription video on demand does not have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Though without a mediation, customer perceived value directly affects customer loyalty and subscription video on demand.
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