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Chief Editor :
David H.M. Hasibuan (Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan, Indonesia)
( Scopus ID | Google Scholar | Sinta )
Managing Editor :
Annaria Magdalena Marpaung (Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan, Indonesia)
( Scopus ID | Google Scholar | Sinta )
Associate Editors :
1. Sudradjat (Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan, Indonesia)
( Google Scholar | Sinta )
2. Budi Setiawan (Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan, Indonesia)
( Scopus | Google Scholar | Sinta )
3. Taufik Raharjo (Polytechnic of State Finance STAN, Indonesia)
( Scopus | Google Scholar | Sinta )
4. Rima Auliyamartha Agustina (Binaniaga University, Indonesia)
( Scopus | Google Scholar | Sinta )
5. Fazlida Mohd Razali (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
( Scopus ID | Google Scholar )
Asst. Editor :
1. Shelfiana Anggraeni (Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan, Indonesia)
2. Farhan Rinaldi Gunawan (Institute of Business and Informatics Kesatuan, Indonesia)
Rules & Policies
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